La vicenda artistica di Laetitia Autrand parte da una lunga premessa preparatoria che va dagli studi giovanili fino alle recenti partecipazioni ad alcune mostre allestite presso l’Antico Oratorio della Passione di S. Ambrogio a Milano. Originaria di Tolone nel sud della Francia, da più di dieci anni vive in Italia alternando il suo ruolo di madre e di moglie con quello dell’artista sensibile e capace di ispirarsi al mondo delle cose semplici e vere
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Biografia Laetitia Autrand

Laetitia Autrand


The artistic story of Laetitia Autrand goes from early school up to recent participation in exhibitions at Antico Oratorio della Passione di San Ambrogio in Milan.

Native of Toulon, southern France, she’s been living in Italy for ten years.

She mixes rational balance with the exotic fantasy built during the study of Art History at the University of Aix- in-Provence where the artist graduated with a thesis on “La Rappresentazione degli Orientali nella Pittura Fiorentina dal 1350 al 1450”(The Representation of Eastern painting in Florentine painting from 1350 to 1450). The East, with the cultural and psychological diversity of its people, was the inspiration for the artistic production of Laetitia Autrand in the collective exhibition “Donna, Mediatrice Multiculturale”, Oratorio della Passione di Sant’ Ambrogio, curatrice Alejandra Reyes) (“Woman, Mediator, Multicultural”, Oratory of the Passion of Sant ‘Ambrogio, curator Alejandra Reyes) in 2013, presented the figure of a special and beloved woman that belonged to that world, “Aicha”.

Later, the artist returns with a new theme and new materials (old pallets, nails and dry tree branches), participating in the exhibition “Mezzo minuto di raccoglimento, IV edizione” (Half a minute of silence, fourth edition). The essence of the event, where the group of artists committed ethically and aesthetically to find value in junk objects, was reproduced in 2014 with the “V Edizione” (Fifth Edition) with main theme Time. In this event, the artist was able to show the preciousness of time.

In 2015 Laetitia participated in the exhibition “INSULART” from the Museo Archeologico di Sant’Antioco in Sardegna (Sant’Antioco Archaeological Museum of Sardinia) where she presents new pieces full of sensitivity and search, recalling ancient inspiring the present.

In her works, playful creativity and rich personality become the characteristics of the artist.